SXSW Pitch 2014

Slide background© Debbie Finley / SXSW
Slide background© Rita Quinn / SXSW
Slide background© Richard McBlaine / SXSW
Slide background© Mindy Best / SXSW
Slide background© Debbie Finley / SXSW

Deutsch | English

Silicon Valley meets Reeperbahn – The Three Startups for Austin

Hamburg is not only important commercial and media location but also a start-up hub fueled with passion. You can see this, pitch through pitch, how founders from the harbour-town burn, deeply, for their startup ideas. In September 2013, they were offered in Hamburg for the first time, an extraordinary pitch opportunity to build their fire on stage.

At the Startups@Reeperbahn pitch, which buzzed inside the Reeperbahn Festival, investors and startups were brought together in a hotel to see where the ‚passion‘ between them would ignite into business. The event was a success and a flame flew over from South by Southwest (SXSW) to the Hanseatic city. The SXSW is an event that rocks the Texan city of Austin for ten days, which initially began as a pure music festival, and has since become the totally-engaged hub for Interactive, startups and investors. Usually in the same mention of this event, you hear the words ‚Silicon Valley‘, ‚breakthrough‘, and ‚world-domination‘.

Now it is time for the Americans to feel the heat from our Hanseatic passion! Our startups committee made its decision and is sending three startups from Hamburg to Austin. The three presentations are on the 9th of March in the The German House, as a highlight of the Hamburg Interactive Day and will rock the SXSW. From 3:30 – 5:30 PM, our three finalists – Protonet, Flying and Tinnitracks – will pitch their way into the hearts of American investors. We’ll be reporting from the event and are looking forward to a great outcome.

  • The Pitch

    Protonet, Flying, and Tinnitracks will pitch for very “intimate” rendezvous with potential American investors, making for an unusual union of Silicon Hills and the Reeperbahn.

  • Free Travel

    Thanks to our partners at EY – they’re making it possible for the three finalists to make the trip to the USA.

  • Three Hamburg Startups For Austin

    As the winner of Startups@Reeperbahn 2013, Tinnitracks automatically qualified for the Austin event; Protonet and Flying were awarded the other two spots.

  • More to come

    We’ll keep you posted – and we’ll be reporting live from the event!

  • The team

    Startups@Reeperbahn SXSW Edition is a joint project of Hamburg Startups and the Reeperbahn Festival. The project is supported by EY, Spiegel Online, and the City of Hamburg.

I Want to Pitch, too!

The application deadline for the Startups@Reeperbahn SXSW Edition has already passed. But the next pitch event will be held on 18 September 2014, during Reeperbahn Festival 2014 – so save the date! If you’ve got a working product/service/offer and valid experience with users and customers, then you can put “apply for the pitch” on your 2014 to-do list. Information about the application process will follow soon.

If you don’t have a pitch deck yet, you can start preparing for the following questions:

  1. What is the product (pictures, links, etc.)?
  2. Who is on the team?
  3. What do the market and competition look like?
  4. What do marketing/sales look like?
  5. What have you accomplished so far?
  6. What is the financial planning situation (incl. investment amount and projected performance in year 3)?
  • How?

    The application process is starting in May 2014. More information will follow.

  • When?

    The next Startups@Reeperbahn will be in September, 18th during the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg.

  • Just für Hamburg startups?

    No, we are looking forward to your application.

The Commitee

A  distinguished selection of experts from the Hamburg startup scene reviewed all of the applications for the startup competition and nominated the three finalists for the pitch.

Sanja Stankovic

Sanja Stankovic

Initiator Startups@Reeperbahn, Co-Founder Hamburg Startups and Digital Media Women
Sina Gritzuhn

Sina Gritzuhn

Freelance editor, Co-Founder Hamburg Startups
Tim Jaudszims

Tim Jaudszims

Entrepreneur, Business Angel, Co-Founder Hamburg Startups, Director Startup Dock TU Harburg
Alfonso von Wunschheim

Alfonso von Wunschheim

Ex-Managing Director, Investor
Dirk Freise

Dirk Freise

Managing Director Shortcut Ventures
Thomas Promny

Thomas Promny

Entrepreneur, Investor
Kixka Nebraska

Kixka Nebraska

Profile-Agent and Co-Founder Digital Media Women
Philipp Westermeyer

Philipp Westermeyer

Co-Founder and Managing Director Metrigo and Online Marketing Rockstars
Angelika Eckert

Angelika Eckert

Executive editor Weave
Alexander Schulz

Alexander Schulz

Founder and Managing Director Reeperbahn Festival
Elke Fleing

Elke Fleing

Consultant, copywriter, webworker, editor
Michael Backes

Michael Backes

Managing Director, Liquid Labs GmbH
Jan-Menko Grummer

Jan-Menko Grummer

Partner Head of Assurance Nort-East Germany, EY
Christian Stöcker

Christian Stöcker

head of SPIEGEL ONLINES web, tech and media desk "Netzwelt". (Credit: Jeannette Lersch)
Christian Fiedler

Christian Fiedler

Jeremy Tai Abbett

Jeremy Tai Abbett

Creative Evangelist, Google
Katharina Wolff

Katharina Wolff

Managing Director Premium Consultants
Nils Seebach

Nils Seebach

Founder eTribes
Dr. Esther Conrad

Dr. Esther Conrad

Cluster-Manager MITT (HWF)
Sven Wiesner

Sven Wiesner

Natural Born Digital Native, chairman beebop media ag
Jens Unrau

Jens Unrau

Advisor IT, Multimedia, New Media, State Chancellery Hamburg

Our Jury

Katharina Borchert

Katharina Borchert

CEO, Spiegel Online
Jan Brorhilker

Jan Brorhilker

Manager Financial Accounting & Advisory Services, EY

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